It's Your Show Wikia
  • Opening discussion of small bags. What can I do without? How far can I carry it? (Ed.- Can't say enough about my agreement with all of this).
  • Chunky soles and the wallet chain years. 
  • Life hats. 
  • John gets robbed in Avignon. 
  • The power of being an American in France. I can get money. 
  • How to pack for a trip. 
  • The era of small shoes is over. 
  • "Quiet down, choir of haberdashers." -JR
  • A shoe shiner asks John if he carries a fork. 
  • Merlin has to help his daughter understand what a bad person she is, re: Rabbit Friend. 1:04:30. 
  • Twins discussion 
  • 1:12:15- John has known some fucking Kates. Katherines are already a problem. Kate will help you in the yard, but Kate is carrying a fucking pistol. First of all, don't let Kat know where you live. Kate has a garden. She has a garden for sure, but she’s growing some plants that need to be explained.